Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

To change your altitude, you must change your attitude because you are what you think. Our brain is the most powerful organ of our body and is functioning constantly as per our thought patterns. It is always said that it is the controlling unit of the body because it decides our journey, our behaviors, our actions and reactions. Our brain is divided into two parts, positive and negative and we decide what part of our brain we are going to put at work. If we begin by circulating a positive command to our brain, our brain automatically generates thoughts and ideas that make our day better and more energetic. While on the contrary, if we sow the first thought in our brain having negative energy, then the brain works on that and brings forth all the possible negative events happening throughout the day to justify what we initially thought.

All of us want to achieve so much in life, but despite working hard, we are unable to do so. That is primarily because, at the back of our mind, we have certain negative energies ruling over the conscious and telling us that we cannot achieve the target we are working for. Daniel Chidiac in his book “Who says you can’t? You Do.” says and I quote “WHAT YOU THINK, YOU BELIEVE. WHAT YOU BELIEVE, YOU CREATE.” Therefore, in order to make our dreams come true, and create the reality we want, we have to train our mind and instill positivity into it. The more positivity we feed to our brain and flush out the negative thoughts, the more we generate positive results and happier lifestyle. Ever wondered how leaders and influential personalities achieve so much in life within a limited timeframe. Well here is a simple answer; their only mantra is Positive Thinking. Instead of feeding the negativities around them and wasting time in unnecessary activities, they work around the positive thoughts and save their energies to invest in the right places to generate the desired outcomes. Hence, living a happy and successful life is neither difficult nor restricted to certain class of people but rather available for all, with a simple focus, on positive energy. It happens quite often that people work hard day and night for a certain desire to turn into reality but have a bit of self-doubt and lack of confidence upon the probability of it, occurring. This self-doubt and lack of confidence takes over the mind and all the efforts of that person go in vain just because of that, one little thought of self-doubt.

To conclude, positive thinking is the core element to a successful life. Therefore, in order to live a good life, individuals must eliminate negativity, neglect the bad energies from their life, and constantly try to keep their mind stress-free. This stress-free mind will have more space to dwell upon positive thoughts and work on those thoughts to generate results that are surprising.

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