
We Are Here For You

We Will Help You With Problems

Mental peace is a gift. But if you don’t own one, we at Al Midrar are here to provide reassuring and calming therapies that make your mind clear from unhealthy thoughts. We are here to listen to your deep feelings and show you a new perspective of the world by practicing Islam-based therapy solutions.

Career Counseling

Are you confused about what career to choose that provides plentiful growth opportunities and has high earning potential, we will guide you on what career path to pick based on your interests and passion.

Relationship Counseling

Family is a bouquet where each family acts as a separate flower. Never let it be shattered. To keep the bouquet gathered, get the consultation to solve the complications faced while living with a family. Maintain healthy personal relationships with the help of our professional’s counseling.

Business Counseling

Business counseling services means one-on-one or small group meetings with current and/or prospective small business owners in person, by telephone, video conferencing, or computer, to coach, mentor or provide information to help the small business owner move towards intended results. Book your session to resolve all kinds of business issues.

What We Can Do Together

Individual Counseling

A one-on-one talking therapy that lights up the mind after every session.

Depression Treatment

Say goodbye to depression and enjoy your life stuffed with positivity.

Parenting Skills

Get a consultation on how to do children's upbringing according to Islamic guidance.

Anxiety Counseling

Anxiety can lead to depression, treat it before it's too late.

Couple Counseling

A good spouse is a blessing. Get the consultation to keep a happy mutual relationship.

Career Counseling

Are you confused about what career to choose that provides plentiful growth opportunities and has high earning potential, we will guide you on what career path to pick based on your interests and passion.

What We Treat

Why Choose Us

We have a number of qualified therapists that have already helped many individuals in achieving mental peace. We always strive to deliver the best possible treatment to fill your life with contentment. Al Midrar helps purify your soul of negative feelings and thoughts that may turn into severe depression if left untreated.

Our Testimonials


I have no words to appreciate these guys for making my marriage life a success. I used to consider getting separation from my wife due to some personal reasons. We have 2 children that’s why I was unsure if I should take this big step. But the consultants made me rethink the circumstances and save me from destroying my life, my wife’s, and even the life of our children. I made some things clear with my spouse and now living happily with my family. I never thought about separation after that.

Sahir Bari

My son Zia was 11 years old when he started developing mental health problems. At first, I thought it was something ordinary and he’ll get normal. Then I started to observe his unusual activities like avoiding social interactions even with his best friends, being unhappy the whole day for no reason, and most importantly his unusual behavior every time he sits with me and my husband. That made me take him to Al Midrar for mental therapy and now I can’t thank them enough for how much Zia is performing best in his life. He is now very talkative even I get annoyed but I am much grateful to Allah and then to the consultants for healing my kid.

Rayyana Ismail

A year ago I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety after the death of my parents. I used to skip meals. cry at night and for the same reason, I couldn’t be able to give my family much time. When my friend suggested Al Midrar therapies, I wondered if it works. Then my family forced me to take consultancy from their therapists and I now think that was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Their sessions soothed me down and provided me with inner peace. I recovered from depression within a few months and now I am content. Though I miss my parents a lot, I accept that it is all Almighty’s doing and there’s nothing we can do

Abdul Razak

A year ago I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety after the death of my parents. I used to skip meals. cry at night and for the same reason, I couldn’t be able to give my family much time. When my friend suggested Al Midrar therapies, I wondered if it works. Then my family forced me to take consultancy from their therapists and I now think that was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Their sessions soothed me down and provided me with inner peace. I recovered from depression within a few months and now I am content. Though I miss my parents a lot, I accept that it is all Almighty’s doing and there’s nothing we can do

Abdul Razak

A year ago I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety after the death of my parents. I used to skip meals. cry at night and for the same reason, I couldn’t be able to give my family much time. When my friend suggested Al Midrar therapies, I wondered if it works. Then my family forced me to take consultancy from their therapists and I now think that was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Their sessions soothed me down and provided me with inner peace. I recovered from depression within a few months and now I am content. Though I miss my parents a lot, I accept that it is all Almighty’s doing and there’s nothing we can do

Abdul Razak

Frequently Asked Questions

Therapy may vary depending on one’s ability and willingness to make things better. Studies have shown that therapies have the potential to eliminate mental illness rather than taking medicines. However, never decide for yourself what therapy you should take, have a consultation with our team first, and then we will suggest what therapy would be best for you.

There are normally 2 types of therapies, short-term (lasts for a few months) and long-term (may take up to years). However, the conclusion is made by the therapist after observing the severity of the mental condition, the person’s will, and the progress made by the individual during the sessions.

Mental therapies or counseling have been in function for ages. But the impact of therapy depends on a professional counselor. Al Midrar has such therapists that have already helped improve mental conditions. They specialize in identifying the root cause of anxiety or depression and provide counseling accordingly. 

No doubt, both medication and mental therapy are effective in improving mental health. Taking medicines regularly can help reduce depression and anxiety but it may have some side effects too. Therapy on the other hand treats underlying emotions that can not be treated by taking medicines. However, the decision on whether to take medications or not will be provided by our consultants.